Vitalik Buterin Says Ethereum Will Only Be 55% Complete After Merge

Vitalik Buterin says Ethereum will only be 55% complete after the merge. Ethereum is currently only 40% done, and even after the Merge it will only be 55% complete as there will still be many more things to come, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin claims.

More To Come After The Merge

In his speech during the EthCC conference in Paris on July 21, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin, discussed Ethereum’s upcoming merge from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake. He also stated in this conference that Ethereum is currently going through a transitional state and its development is only “40% complete.”

Related: Ethereum Jumps By 40% After News Of Merge In September

The difference between bitcoin and Ethereum is that Bitcoiners consider Bitcoin to be 80% complete, but Ethereans consider Ethereum to be 40% complete.” He said.

Buterin also further explains that after the merge, which is expected to take place and be completed this September, Ethereum will still only be roughly 55% complete as there’s “plenty more coming after the merge.

Ethereum’s 5 Stage Roadmap


The “Merge” is only the first step of Ethereum’s roadmap, after which, Vitalik Buterin explains there will be the “Surge”, “Verge”, “Purge”, and “Splurge.” These 5 stages are described by Buterin to be key parts of Ethereum’s scaling, cleanup, and evolution.

For further detail on the 5 stages of the Ethereum roadmap, Twitter user @cryptoPothu has made a thread on his Twitter explaining each of these stages in a quick summary easy to understand.

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