via: Miami Herald

City of Miami Joins WEB3, Aims To Support Local Artists & Charities

City of Miami Joins WEB3, Aims To Support Local Artists & Charities. Miami Mayor Francis X. Suarez announces an exciting WEB3 project. He plans to release 5,000 NFTs. In the recent news released on the Miami Gov website, the Mayor is excited to collaborate with Mastercard, TIME, and Salesforce for the project.

The Collaboration

On 28 July, the Miami Gov website posted about a collaboration with Mastercard, Salesforce, and TIME for an NFTs-related project. The Mayor also announced the news on Twitter.

The purpose is to “drive revenue to local businesses and non-profits through exclusive rewards offerings.” In the project, Miami will reveal 5,000 NFTs created by 56 local artists. 

Mayor Francis X. Suarez said, “The City of Miami has been on the vanguard of the web3 revolution, and we will continue to employ these new technologies to support our existing businesses while attracting new ones, raising capital, and providing experiences for our citizens and those visiting this great City. At the same time, we can also use this novel approach to support local artists and charities.”

In this, TIME will focus on strategies, developing creative areas, and launching. Mastercard will give NFT holders “access to its Priceless Miami experiences.” Salesforce’s role is in minting and selling the NFTs via NFT Cloud.

This project will launch in December 2022. There will be updates about this later.

The Reactions

After the news dropped, people in the community were excited to see the project. They appreciated the move to support local artists in the industry.

One account posted, “I’m curious if there are other cities embracing web3 like Miami has?”

It could make a good impact in the future for the NFTs and local artists as they have people supporting them.

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